Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A great one time wonder!

It's been a long time...

It seems like only yesterday, I started this blog. 

I am free to be unlimited, to drink up life, knowledge with more vigor and passion than I ever have in my life. I wake up everyday remembering this cerebral freedom and thoughts of writing on at least two levels now consume me.

Murder Comes Innocently is being edited by my psychiatrist to make sure my antagonist and protagonist characters are profiled correctly, then this child I have produced will be made an e-book.  By the time he finishes MCI, I'll have finished and edited Mea Culpa and ready for him to profile.

Life with Larry is good.  We don't fight, we both cook and we are the best of friends.

It's been a while...

Life has changed as I have changed. People have come and some are gone. It feels good to have come through the respiratory problems and only on occasion now have problems. Pain is pretty much in the past now with the use of the Quantum Energy Pendant I wear.

I've shed another layer of skin as you peel a bad onion. I am good enough, I am smart enough. I am free to cerebrally soak up life and knowledge with more passion than I could before. 

I'm free to soar as an eagle above the Rockies using the wind beneath his wings to guide him where he desires to go, see and be. Gone are the dark days, I have let the glorious light fill and feed me. Again the Universe has shown me that I am.